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Two kinds of competitions!

Participating to each competition brings points to your Tribe ! Winning brings additional points.

Tribe challenge

You have two hours to learn a Switch choreo with your tribe! This choreo will be taught by your magical teachers. Step up and get a chance to perform your magic switches.

Team Steal battle

Create a team of 4 people, choose matching outfits and prepare your best steals! The public will be your judge in finals!

Competition rules

Eligibility requirements

To compete at our event, you must :

  • Have a pass eligible for comps (full pass)  

  • Register for each competition by the official entry deadline. (See the weekend schedule.) 

  • Pay any required entry fees. 

  • Meet all other specific entry requirements outlined in these rules. 

Division qualifications

Novice strictly : A couple must enter the highest level either partner qualifies for based on the WSDC points they have earned and the WSDC level criteria for Jack & Jill.

Open Strictly : Any WSDC level competitor may enter this division. Teachers of the event cannot enter the strictly. 

Team Steal Battle : Any dancer and team composition may enter this competition. The number of people required to participate as a team is 4 (minimum and maximum). One teacher or judge (of strictly) of the staff only is allowed per team.  

Multiple registrations

Multiple registrations are allowed. You may choose to enter any competitions for which you meet the specific entry requirements. However, if you enter more than one strictly competition, you must dance with a different partner each time.  

It is possible to register for Team Steal Battle with one or both dancers you have already dance with in strictly.   

Our responsability as the organizers

  • Selecting the competition officials. We will select a panel of judges, chief judge, scorer, MCs, and competition DJs. We will provide the names of these officials prior to the event on our website/social networks.  

  • The chief judge can allow mock judges during the competition. Their scores will not be taken into account in finals results.  

  • Registering contestants and verifying eligibility. We will collect entries from eligible competitors in advance and at the event. We will verify that you are eligible for each competition you enter. We will assign a bib number per pair to only one Strictly partner.  

  • Holding all competitions, or modifying them if necessary. We will do everything we can to hold all competitions as planned. If necessary, we may extend the registration deadline or change the eligibility requirements (for example, by combining divisions) if we receive insufficient entries. If we must cancel a competition, we will refund your entry fee. 

  • Scoring the results. We will use callbacks (yes, no, alt) for all preliminary heats, and relative placement for all finals. 

  • Announcing the results and presenting awards. We will announce the results of all competitions at our awards ceremony. Our scorer will publish scores for public examination at the end of the event. 

Your responsabilities as a competitor

  • Planning ahead. You may register for competitions in advance or at the event (during times listed on the schedule). If you register in advance, you should plan to pick up your bib number(s) at the event. Be sure to check for any last-minute changes to the schedule. 

  • Knowing the rules. You should read the rules carefully prior to the competition. You are responsible for following the rules whether or not you have read them. If you have any questions, contact our chief judge ahead of time. 

  • Being prepared to compete.  

  • A competitor meeting will be available (soon to be announced in the schedule). Attendance is optional.  

  • You should be in the ballroom at least 15 minutes before your competition.  

  • During the competitions, we use marshalling to prepare the following heats prior dancing. Check which heat you are dancing in before the competition starts and follow the call for marshalling immediately.  

  • For Strictly Swing, remember to bring your bib number(s). Competitors Bib number should be pinned on your back, hips or bottom. DO NOT wear bib number(s) on your arms or legs. 

  • If you miss the competition (or withdraw after the registration deadline), you will forfeit your entry fee.  

  • Demonstrating good sporting conduct at all times. You must demonstrate good sporting conduct at all times, both on and off the competition floor. This includes treating your partners, other competitors, competition officials, spectators, and the event itself with respect. Demonstrating a poor attitude by behaving in ways that our chief judge, judging panel, or other competition officials deem inappropriate or disrespectful may result in a violation penalty or disqualification. 

  • Using appropriate channels to communicate your concerns. If you have questions or concerns about our competitions, you should use appropriate channels to share your concerns,  in private discussion with our chief judge. You are not allowed to confront, pressure, challenge, or argue with individual judges. If you harass or verbally abuse a judge or other competition official, we may disqualify you and may also ban you from competing at our events in the future. 

  • Reviewing your scores. You may review this information to see how you did. If you are unable to review your scores at the event, you also may contact our chief judge after the event. 

Attire and behavior

  • For all competitions, offensive attire is not allowed (political, religious, violent, referring to sex...). Check with our chief judge in advance if you have any questions regarding the acceptability of your competition attire. 

  • Keep in mind that : 

  • All ages (including young dancers) will be present at our event.  

  • Your performance might be streamed live online and recorded.  

  • It is our desire to encourage expressive and exciting dance performances without sacrificing quality of dancing and good taste. To maintain this balance, we encourage you to put on a good show (including humor where appropriate) but within the context of presenting solid dance fundamentals. 

  • Any action that our judges believe would make them uncomfortable in social dancing (such as inappropriate touching or simulating sexual behavior) may earn a violation penalty/disqualification. 

Requesting a restart

  • This only applies to spotlighted dances. You may request a restart only in certain cases, such as: 

  • Your competition attire fails during your dance. 

  • Our sound system fails during your dance. 

  • You may not request a restart simply because you are dissatisfied with your performance, partner, or music. 

  • You must request a restart prior to your departure from the floor, and our chief judge must approve your request. Our chief judge may also call for a restart at any time. 

Competition music

Our competition DJ will select all music for our competitions. Music for finals spotlight dances will be approximately the same length of time for each couple. The exact time of fade out is left to the DJ’s discretion to maximize the effectiveness of the music. If our judges need more time to determine callbacks or final placements, our chief judge may ask our competition DJ to play additional music. 

Our judging criteria

You will be judged on the following criteria: 

  • West Coast Swing content: it includes identifiable swing patterns in order to provide variety and contrast.  

  • Quality and quantity of role switching/stealing. An adequate number of transitions between roles/stealing (depending of the competition) can be witnessed and how seamless the transitions look during the dance. It should not generate doubt on the role of each dancer at any given time.  


  • Timing. Swing is danced beginning on the downbeat. Good timing includes not only dancing on the correct beat but finer distinctions such as whether you are dancing to the syncopated “swing” of the music. Your syncopations and footwork also need to be on time. 

  • Teamwork. Swing is a connected partner dance. Demonstrating this connection through lead/follow or action/reaction with your partner is an expected part of any swing dance competition. A balanced performance of give-and-take with your partner should be your goal. Ignoring, disrespecting, or jeopardizing the safety of your partner indicates poor teamwork. Compensating and adjusting for your partner is an expected part of good teamwork. 

  • Technique. How well you execute the movements in your dance constitutes technique. Good technique includes clean execution and completion of dance elements such as control of balance and weight, foot placement, body lines, spins and turns. 

  • Musical interpretation. Good musical interpretation consists of adjusting the flow of your dance to fit the style, tempo, mood, and rhythm variations in the music. You should strive to demonstrate the ability to hear and interpret nuances in the music throughout your dance. 

  • Showmanship . Creating an atmosphere of excitement by inviting interest in your performance is the desired effect of good presentation. Good presentation begins with your selection of appropriate attire. While providing a good show is one aspect of presentation, it cannot substitute for good dancing. You should aim primarily for demonstrating positive chemistry as a couple. Gratuitous mugging to the audience or the judges may result in a lower score. Good sporting conduct before, during, and after your dance is also an expected element of good presentation. 

N.B :  

  • Partner weight support moves (“tricks”). Like other patterns, these moves will be judged according to the standard criteria of timing, teamwork, and technique. In these moves, you and your partner must both maintain physical contact with the floor. Drops, leans, circular movements, leveraged slides, and splits are examples. However, any moves that our judges deem unsafe and lifts may earn a violation penalty. When in doubt, leave it out. 

Chief judge contact

Jessica Crochot / Available on messenger or WhatsApp : + 33 6 69 61 32 27 

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